Alternative name: pi
4/π is the factor by which the area of a square is bigger than the area of a circle with the same diameter as the length of the side of the square.
Given v, results in the cosine of v .
Given v, results in the sine of v .
Given v, results in the tangens of v .
Given v, results in the arcus tangens of v .
Given y, given x, results in the arcus tangens of (y/x).
Given y, given x, results in either the arcus tangens of (y/x), or, if x=0, in the angle closest to it.
Given v, results in the secans of v .
Given v, results in the cosecans of v .
Given v, results in the cotangens of v .
Given v, results in the arcus sinus of v .
Given v, results in the arcus secans of v .
Given v, results in the arcus cosecans of v .
Given v, results in the arcus cotangens of v .
Given v, results in the arcus cosinus of v .
Given v, results in the sinus hyperbolicus of v .
Given v, results in the cosinus hyperbolicus of v .
Given v, results in the tangens hyperbolicus of v .
Given v, results in the secans hyperbolicus of v .
Given v, results in the cosecans hyperbolicus of v .
Given v, results in the cotangens hyperbolicus of v .
Given v, results in the area sinus hyperbolicus of v .
Given v, results in the area cosius hyperbolicus of v .
Given v, results in the area tangens hyperbolicus of v .
Given v, results in the area secans hyperbolicus of v .
Given v, results in the area cosecans hyperbolicus of v .
Given v, results in the area cotangens hyperbolicus of v .