prefixes: S real D double precision C complex Z complex*16 fn name parts for matrices: GE general SY symmetric HE hermitian TR triangular GB general band SB sym band HB herm band TB triang band SP sum packed HP herm packed TP triang packed Order: RowMajor 101 'e' ColMajor 102 'f' Transpose: none 111 'o' blasTrans 112 'p' conjTrans 113 'q' Uplo (upper or lower triangular matrix): upper 121 'y' lower 122 'z' Diag: nonUnit 131 blasUnit 132 Side: left 141 right 142 Complex Data Type: void* pointing to the first of two consecutive memory locations of the underlying data type suffix _sub: returns complex values arrays: all flattened out, including sub-components. major ports: cublas on Nvidia CUDA