let native := requireModule "WIN32/MSVCRT40.5D" in let Composition := requireModule "Composition" in import [flush! stderr stdin stdout readline! write! errno!] from Builtins in import [rem] from Composition in let fopen! := native.fopen! in let fclose! := native.fclose! in let fflush! := native.fflush! in let fread! := native.fread! in let fwrite! := native.fwrite! in let fgets! := native.fgets! in let fputs! := rem "just as in the standard, this has the file as SECOND argument, AFTER the string" native.fputs! in let fseek! := native.fseek! in let ftell! := native.ftell! in let rewind! := native.rewind! in let fileno! := native.fileno! in let fdopen! := native.fdopen! in let freopen! := native.freopen! in let fmemopen! := native.fmemopen! in let clearerr! := native.clearerr! in let feof! := native.feof! in let ferror! := native.ferror! in let fgetc! := native.fgetc! in let fputc! := native.fputc! in let ungetc! := native.ungetc! in (requireModule "Composition").dispatch1 #exports[flush! stderr stdin stdout readline! write! errno! fopen! fclose! fflush! fread! fwrite! fgets! fputs! fseek! ftell! rewind! fileno! fdopen! freopen! fmemopen! feof! ferror! clearerr! fgetc! fputc! ungetc!]