Image filters supported in PDF include the general purpose filters * ASCII85Decode a deprecated filter used to put the stream into 7-bit ASCII * ASCIIHexDecode similar to ASCII85Decode but less compact * FlateDecode a commonly used filter based on the DEFLATE or Zip algorithm * LZWDecode a deprecated filter based on LZW Compression * RunLengthDecode a simple compression method for streams with repetitive data using the Run-length encoding algorithm and the image-specific filters * DCTDecode a lossy filter based on the JPEG standard * CCITTFaxDecode a lossless filter based on the CCITT fax compression standard * JBIG2Decode a lossy or lossless filter based on the JBIG2 standard, introduced in PDF 1.4 * JPXDecode a lossy or lossless filter based on the JPEG2000 standard, introduced in PDF 1.5